
Going Paperless- New Trend in Real Estate!

With our fast paced lives and busy schedules going paperless makes an agents life even easier! Pulling up important forms and documents on your iPad, getting an electronic signature on the spot and making sure everything is uploaded to your Google Drive will help you stay organized and make your more time efficient!

Teaching agents to go paperless can be challenging today; with busy schedules and experienced agents some people may not have the time or might not want to change their ways. A lot …

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Marketing Skills Matter!


Marketing Skills Matter!

You have several different options when deciding how to start marketing; no matter where readers are seeing your material, careful and creative writing is what makes it effective. As a real estate agent, you add is typically your first line of communication with your customer and it is important to make a good first impression. So how do you know where to begin? Lets take a look at a few key points:

A clear catchy headline- create a headline that will grab someone's atte…

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