Marketing Skills Matter

creating adsThere are many places to market your listing. But no matter where readers are seeing it, careful, creative writing is what makes it effective. The real estate ad is often the beginning of your relationship with a buyer and it is important to make a good impression. How do you do that? Let's take a look at a few key points:
A clear, catchy headline - most people will at least read the headline and if it's good, they will want to read more. Be factual, but make it exciting as well.
Make it local - point out the local assets of the property. This lets the buyer know that you are familiar with the area.
Be creative - make your content stand out and try to make the reader see themselves in the home - point out what makes it special.
Quality photos are a must - you don't have to hire a photographer, but take the time to prepare the scene and take a lot of photos in good lighting. Then inspect them carefully to make sure that there isn't anything there that would give a negative impression.
Include a suggested action - ask the reader to call or email you, to come by your Open House. Don't forget your name, company name and contact information.
Proofread carefully - read it over, use spell check, read it out loud, have someone else check it. Typos or wrong word choice can turn off a prospective buyer immediately.
Practice writing mock ads - use your own home, a friend's home or whatever you want, but write an ad, take the photos, put it all together and create a finished product. Ask someone to critique it for you and really listen to what they have to say.
Need help? Email your ad to us at and we will be glad to help!



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