Not everyone is a professional photographer, but here are some tips for taking professional-looking real estate photos. Take a photo of the outside of the house from the front. Keep the house front and center. You can include an attached garage, but try to keep the house the main feature. Make sure you include the whole house, top to bottom. If you are too close, they may be unsure of the actual size of the house. If you are too far away, the house appears tiny and insignificant as opposed to the landscaping.
Don't try to photoshop or edit your pictures. People would like to see what the house actually looks like.
Try to take crisp, clean pictures. Clients will be disappointed if your shots are blurry.
If you have a fixer-uppper, it is worth the time to do some straightening and removing the clutter from the landscaping to get a nice shot. Also, try to keep vehicles out of your photos. They can be distracting and add to the clutter.
Try toshoot for a nice sunny day with the sun behind you, preferably mid-morning or mid-afternoon. This will make your house look bright and homey.
A snow-free shot is always the best, but sometimes impossible. You can always ask your seller if they have some summer shots to share with you, especially when a pool is involved. An open, summer shot of a pool always makes the home look inviting and will show the summer landscaping they cannot see with all the snow.
Inside shots are best on a sunny day with lots of lighting. Try to get a shot of the whole room if you can, rather than closer shots of parts of the rooms. Make sure you feature fireplaces or other inviting features. Once again, decluttering will always make a room look larger and brighter. Less is better.
Good luck with your listing. Visit us at for more ideas. 
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